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1. I can't see a specific menu point. Why is that?
You can customize your menubar in your Profile under GUI Preferences
Your damage is calculated with the followinf formula: damage = <{(Prestige/100)*[(HP+CP+MP)/1000]*(currentStamina/maxStamina)}*weaponAttack>
HP can be refilled with War food. To refill your CP go to Possessions -> Inventory -> Food -> War menu, select the desired food and press Eat now.
CP can be refilled with War drinks. To refill your CP go to Possessions -> Inventory -> Drinks -> War menu, select the desired drink and press Drink now.
One Stamina is regenerated every 20 minutes.
Is does not regerate yet. You can only refill it with consumable products.
It is under your Profile - My Data.
You find them under Possessions - Soldiers & Assistants - Assistants