Figths are carried out in real time.
Actions are not taken right on click but after the Action Time ends.
In order to be able to fight you will need a Weapon.
Damage is calculated with the following formula:
Weapon damage = <{(Prestige/100)*[(1.5*HP+EP)/1000]*(currentStamina/maxStamina)}*(weaponAttack*(1+nr. of rebirts/10)+X)>
Total damage = (Weapon damage - Armor defense) + PP - DP
Value X is calculated based on the level difference between Soldier and Leader.
If Leader has higher level than Soldier, X has positive value (BONUS).
If Leader has lower level than Soldier, X has negative value (MALUS).
Note 1: level difference is calculated with the virtual levels based on XP (see Levels)
Note 2: players without Leader are considered as having the Game as Leader, with Game having level 1.
Note 3: 50% weapon damage is always hit in PvP, when hitting aliens without vulnerabilities or when hitting vulnerable aliens with the appropriate weapons.
Full defense does not exist. Part of the damage done by the attacker will always be dealt to the defender (see Note 3).
The fighter who's HP drops to 0 will lose the fight.
There are two different forms of fights available: