Version Differences for Prestige

(Prestige () is your main attribute in the game, keep it always on a high value!)
Line 1:
  [[Image:status-prestige.jpg]]    [[Image:status-prestige.jpg]] 
    + [[Image:status-prestige.jpg]]  
  === Prestige ([[Image:prestige-icon.png]]) is your main attribute in the game, keep it always on a high value! ===     === Prestige ([[Image:prestige-icon.png]]) is your main attribute in the game, keep it always on a high value! ===  
Line 26:
- '''Your prestige will influence the followings:'''   + === Your prestige will influence the followings: ===  
  : '''1. Wage:'''    : '''1. Wage:''' 
Line 39:
  damage = <{(<span style="color:#FF0000;">Prestige</span>/100)*[(HP+CP+EP)/1000]*(currentStamina/maxStamina)}*(weaponAttack+X)>    damage = <{(<span style="color:#FF0000;">Prestige</span>/100)*[(HP+CP+EP)/1000]*(currentStamina/maxStamina)}*(weaponAttack+X)> 
- : '''3. Income taxes:'''   + : '''3. Income tax:'''  
  You receive income taxes from your soldiers and assistants, but don't forget that these taxes are also prestige based. If you have your prestige value full, than you receive the entire amount of tax, otherwise your income taxes will be decreased. The difference is calculated the same way as in case of Wage, each prestige point is consider 1% from your final income. In such a case, your assistant/soldier will pay less tax from his activity (the difference will remain in his pocket).     You receive income taxes from your soldiers and assistants, but don't forget that these taxes are also prestige based. If you have your prestige value full, than you receive the entire amount of tax, otherwise your income taxes will be decreased. The difference is calculated the same way as in case of Wage, each prestige point is consider 1% from your final income. In such a case, your assistant/soldier will pay less tax from his activity (the difference will remain in his pocket).  
Line 56:
- '''Click the prestige icon ([[Image:prestige-icon.png]]) to see your current status:'''   + '''Click the prestige icon ([[Image:prestige-icon.png]]) to see your current status.'''  
- [[Image:wiki-prestige-status.jpg|center]]   + - In order to '''activate prestige items''' and get the prestige from your food, drink or golf club ticket, you have to be equipped with '''at least one clothing'''.  
    + - In order to '''activate prestige house''' and get your prestige from house, first you have to '''activate prestige items''' and '''use at least one of them'''.  
    + [[Image:wiki-prestige-status.jpg]]