Version Differences for Prestige

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  When you attack an alien or even another player, your final attack damage is calculated via the [[FAQ|damage]] formula. This value is also prestige based, so while you have your prestige value full, your final attack damage is higher. With a lower prestige, your damage will decrease too.    When you attack an alien or even another player, your final attack damage is calculated via the [[FAQ|damage]] formula. This value is also prestige based, so while you have your prestige value full, your final attack damage is higher. With a lower prestige, your damage will decrease too. 
- damage = <{(<span style="color:#FF0000;">Prestige</span>/100)*[(HP+CP+EP)/1000]*(currentStamina/maxStamina)}*(weaponAttack+X)>   + damage = <{(<span style="color:#FF0000;">Prestige</span>/100)*[(1.5*HP+EP)/1000]*(currentStamina/maxStamina)}*(weaponAttack*(1+nr. of rebirts/10)+X)>  
  : '''3. Income tax:'''    : '''3. Income tax:'''