Version Differences for Fight Information

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  <u>''Note 1: level difference is calculated with the virtual levels based on [[XP|XP]] (see [[Levels|Levels]])''</u><br>    <u>''Note 1: level difference is calculated with the virtual levels based on [[XP|XP]] (see [[Levels|Levels]])''</u><br> 
  <u>''Note 2: players without Leader are considered as having the Game as Leader, with Game having level 1.''</u><br>    <u>''Note 2: players without Leader are considered as having the Game as Leader, with Game having level 1.''</u><br> 
- <u>''Note 3: if attacker's damage is more than the 10% of defender's max. HP, but all/most of the damage was defended, an energy shock wave is created, which inflicts 10% damage (of max. HP) on defender. If attacker's damage is less than the 10% of defender's max. HP, all damage is inflicted.''</u><br>   + <u>''Note 3: if attacker's damage is more than the 10% of defender's max. HP, but all/most of the damage was defended, an energy shock wave is created, which inflicts 10% damage (of max. HP) on defender.<br>If attacker's damage is less than the 10% of defender's max. HP, all damage is inflicted.''</u><br>  
  <u>''Note 4: MALUS is not taken into consideration after 3rd Rebirth.''</u>    <u>''Note 4: MALUS is not taken into consideration after 3rd Rebirth.''</u>