Your damage is calculated with the following formula: damage = <{(Prestige/100)*[(HP+CP+EP)/1000]*(currentStamina/maxStamina)}*(weaponAttack+X)> |
Your damage is calculated with the following formula: damage = <{(Prestige/100)*[(HP+CP+EP)/1000]*(currentStamina/maxStamina)}*(weaponAttack+X)> |
- |
Value X is calculated based on the level difference between Soldier and Leader.
+ |
Value X is calculated based on the level difference between Soldier and Leader.
If Leader has higher level than Soldier, X has positive value (BONUS). |
If Leader has higher level than Soldier, X has positive value (BONUS). |
If Leader has lower level than Soldier, X has negative value (MALUS). |
If Leader has lower level than Soldier, X has negative value (MALUS). |
+ |
''Note: players without Leader are considered as having the Game as Leader, with Game having level 1.''</u>