You can register your candidacy at any time during the first or second days of the month. When you register, you will be able to fill in your "election speech" where you can introduce yourself as a candidate and describe your intentions, views, or policy goals for the following month in the event that you are elected president or governor. Currently there is a 65,000 character length limit on the text that you can submit for the election speech description. |
You can register your candidacy at any time during the first or second days of the month. When you register, you will be able to fill in your "election speech" where you can introduce yourself as a candidate and describe your intentions, views, or policy goals for the following month in the event that you are elected president or governor. Currently there is a 65,000 character length limit on the text that you can submit for the election speech description. |
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After the candidate registration period ends, the election itself is held on the 3rd of each month. If you are at least level 7 you may vote for any candidate, but if you are also running in the election as a candidate, it is recommended that you vote for yourself because at least 1 vote is required to be elected as [[Governors|Governor]] or [[President|President]]. If the voting period ends and you still have zero votes, you will NOT become President or Governor even if you were the only candidate in the election.
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After the candidate registration period ends, the election itself is held on the 3rd of each month. If you active and at least level 7, you may vote for any candidate, but if you are also running in the election as a candidate, it is recommended that you vote for yourself because at least 1 vote is required to be elected as [[Governors|Governor]] or [[President|President]]. If the voting period ends and you still have zero votes, you will NOT become President or Governor even if you were the only candidate in the election.
The candidate with the most votes becomes the [[President|President]]. In case two or more players have the same number of votes, the player with the highest [[XP|XP]] will become [[President|President]]. |
The candidate with the most votes becomes the [[President|President]]. In case two or more players have the same number of votes, the player with the highest [[XP|XP]] will become [[President|President]]. |