Version Differences for Elections

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  All active countries can have a Government voted by the players. A country is considered active if there are at least 10 companies and at least 10 active players.    All active countries can have a Government voted by the players. A country is considered active if there are at least 10 companies and at least 10 active players. 
- All citizens who have reached level 7 or higher can become a candidate for the [[Country|Country's]] [[President|President]] or [[Governors|Governor]].   + All company owners who have reached level 7 or higher can become a candidate for the [[Country|Country's]] [[President|President]] or [[Governors|Governor]].  
  To be able to register and run as a candidate in the Elections you will have to pay the [[Election Candidacy Fee|Election Candidacy Fee]] set by the [[Country|Country's]] [[Laws|Laws]]. The candidacy fee is denominated and paid in euro; these funds are then added to the national treasury's Euro balance, where they can later be sold by the country for Gold on the Exchange Euro page.    To be able to register and run as a candidate in the Elections you will have to pay the [[Election Candidacy Fee|Election Candidacy Fee]] set by the [[Country|Country's]] [[Laws|Laws]]. The candidacy fee is denominated and paid in euro; these funds are then added to the national treasury's Euro balance, where they can later be sold by the country for Gold on the Exchange Euro page.